Benefits Of Working As A Travel Nurse

Health & Medical Blog

While individuals often assume that they will have to work in a local hospital or doctor's office, nurses have other opportunities that they can also pursue. In particular, working as a travel nurse can be a rewarding opportunity for a number of reasons. Work In New And Exciting Places Travel nurses will work on a temporary basis. As a result, they will find that they can be assigned to extremely diverse geographic regions.

8 December 2018

Four Things You Should Know About Osteoarthritis Of The Knee

Health & Medical Blog

Chronic pain affects 100 million people in the United States, with the second leading cause of chronic pain being felt in the knee. When it comes to general knee pain, about one-third of all Americans have felt pain in their knee at some point in time. Knee pain is usually caused when the knee is bearing too much weight. However, there are other causes for knee pain, one of which is osteoarthritis.

24 October 2018

Leg Cramps Causing You Pain? 4 Effective Ways To Deal With The Discomfort

Health & Medical Blog

Leg cramps are nothing to mess with. They can hit you out of nowhere and make it impossible for you to walk. If you've been dealing with leg cramps, it's time to get help. You might not realize this but there are quite a few techniques you can use to help alleviate the discomfort associated with leg cramps. In fact, with the right care and treatment, you can stop those cramps right in their tracks.

29 July 2018

CPR Certification Class: Quick Refreshers For Saving A Child's Life

Health & Medical Blog

According to some estimates, administering CPR could save over 100,000 more lives per year. One of the leading reasons why CPR isn't administered is because people often lack proper training. If you work with or care for small children, knowing CPR is a must. These tips are a quick, potentially life-saving, refresher on CPR for children: CPR before Calling The first few minutes that a child is unresponsive can be the critical window when you can save their life.

29 July 2018

Migraines And When To Seek Medical Care

Health & Medical Blog

If you suffer with a type of headache called migraine, you are not alone. In fact, more than 38 million people in the United States get migraines. This type of headache is different than other types of headaches. The primary difference being the symptoms associated with migraines. If you suffer with migraines, you should know that some symptoms may warrant a trip to the urgent care clinic. Symptoms of Migraines

24 June 2018

Signs And Treatment Options For Adolescent Drug Addiction

Health & Medical Blog

Parenting a teenager can be challenging at times. Not only will you battle their constant mood swings due to raging hormones, but you also need to worry about their underlying health and wellness. Unfortunately, many teens today are struggling with substance abuse and addiction that can be life-threatening. As a matter of fact, the number of teens who overdosed has actually doubled from 1999 to 2015. Because of this risk, understanding the signs of drug addiction is imperative for protecting your teen.

4 May 2018

Ultrasounds & Their Many Uses as a Diagnostic Tool

Health & Medical Blog

Often we hear the word ultrasound and we think of pregnancy and grainy pictures of a baby as they are growing and developing. New parents love to have these pictures to share with family and friends, and while this is one great use of ultrasound technology, it is by far not the only way it is used. In fact, there are many uses for an ultrasound as a diagnostic tool to help doctors see something that they might only be able to see with surgery otherwise.

3 April 2018

Five Tips For Dealing With A Frequently Congested Child

Health & Medical Blog

Everyone becomes ill and develops a little congestion now and then, whether it be from the common cold or exposure to allergens. But what if your child seems to be congested more often than not? He or she may always struggle to breathe freely or may cough up mucus intermittently throughout the day. Frequent congestion is nothing to sneeze at, especially in kids! Here are some tips for dealing with this problem.

7 March 2018

Some Things You Should Know To Prepare For Plastic Surgery

Health & Medical Blog

Getting plastic surgery can be a great way to correct things that you don't like about yourself and get the body you have always wanted. There are some things that you need to know about plastic surgery before you decide if it is right for you. Here are some things to consider. Most Plastic Surgery Is Elective Most plastic surgery procedures are considered elective, meaning your insurance will not pay for any of it.

23 January 2018