Give Heartburn The Heave-Ho: Tips For Easing Discomfort

I developed intense heartburn during my second pregnancy. I tried every pregnancy-safe home remedy I could find and nothing seemed to work. I was hopeful that once my daughter was born, it would improve. When it didn't, I spent a lot of time working with an internal medicine specialist and researching remedies online. I've found many different things that help in different ways. I decided to create this site to document the solutions that I've found and help others to find a way to manage their chronic heartburn as well. If you're struggling with persistent heartburn, I hope this information helps you find relief.

Five Tips For Dealing With A Frequently Congested Child

Health & Medical Blog

Everyone becomes ill and develops a little congestion now and then, whether it be from the common cold or exposure to allergens. But what if your child seems to be congested more often than not? He or she may always struggle to breathe freely or may cough up mucus intermittently throughout the day. Frequent congestion is nothing to sneeze at, especially in kids! Here are some tips for dealing with this problem.

Visit an allergist.

When congestion is an ongoing issue, there's a good chance it is due to allergies rather than the common cold or the flu. However, there are numerous things your child may be allergic to, from pollen to mold spores. The best way to find out what your child is allergic to is to visit an allergist. They can perform a simple skin scratch test in which they introduce various allergens to your child's skin and pay attention to which ones cause a reaction. 

Once you know which substances your child is allergic to, you can do a better job of keeping your child away from those substances. For instance, if you know your child is allergic to pollen, you can keep them inside on days when the pollen count is high. If you know they are allergic to mold, you can be careful to keep your indoor air dry and to clean up any mold quickly.

Use medications as directed.

Your allergist will probably recommend some medications for your child to take when their symptoms flare up. It is important that you use these medications as directed to keep your child comfortable. Some medications need to be taken daily, while others only need to be taken when the symptoms are at their worst. Your allergist knows best in this regard, so follow their advice.

Add vapor to the air.

When your child is feeling congested, adding vapor or humidity to the air can make it easier for them to breathe. Invest in a vaporizer—which can be purchased rather inexpensively at a pharmacy—and run it in your child's room, especially at night. Alternatively, you can have your child sit in the bathroom while the hot shower runs, creating steam, or have them inhale steam from a hot bowl of water. The vapor loosens mucus and makes it easier for them to cough it up, so they don't just keep coughing and wheezing.

Give plenty of fluids.

If your child is not getting enough to drink, which is common when they are congested and don't feel well, the mucus will be thicker and harder to expel. So, you can help ease their congestion by giving them plenty of fluids to drink. If they are not a fan of plain water, mix a little juice with the water to give it more flavor. Or, offer them warm tea if they like tea. The steam from the tea will help ease their congestion as they sip. Try to stay away from too many sugary drinks, as the sugar is not good for their teeth.

Use chest rubs.

You can find eucalyptus and menthol chest rubs in most pharmacies. If you apply these to your child's chest when they are congested, the vapors from the menthol will help open up their airways and make it easier for them to breathe. Only use the chest rubs are directed. Do not have your child swallow them—they are not safe for consumption.

To learn more about easing your child's frequent congestion, talk with an allergist or a child medical specialist. This is not a problem you should ignore, as there are so many ways to make it better.


7 March 2018