Give Heartburn The Heave-Ho: Tips For Easing Discomfort

I developed intense heartburn during my second pregnancy. I tried every pregnancy-safe home remedy I could find and nothing seemed to work. I was hopeful that once my daughter was born, it would improve. When it didn't, I spent a lot of time working with an internal medicine specialist and researching remedies online. I've found many different things that help in different ways. I decided to create this site to document the solutions that I've found and help others to find a way to manage their chronic heartburn as well. If you're struggling with persistent heartburn, I hope this information helps you find relief.

Physical Therapy Could Be the Solution for Your Vertigo

Health & Medical Blog

Vertigo is an unpleasant condition that makes you feel like you're spinning. The sensation might be mild like dizziness or the feeling can be intense and make you feel nauseated. Vertigo could also increase your risk of falling or strike at a time when the spinning sensation and loss of balance puts you in danger. Let your doctor know when you have episodes of dizziness or vertigo so the cause can be uncovered. Depending on the cause, your doctor might recommend physical therapy. Here's how physical therapy might help.

Determine the Type of Vertigo You Have

Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo is one of the more common types of vertigo. This affects you when you change the position of your head and it's caused by the crystals in your ear being out of place. A physical therapist can diagnose this type of vertigo by placing your head in certain positions and watching for symptoms and certain eye movements to occur. Physical therapy treatments can be effective in this type of vertigo with just a few treatments.

Treat Your Vertigo with Head Positioning

A physical therapist has training on how to position your head to correct problems in your inner ear. Your therapist has different head movement techniques to try that move the crystals in your ear back to their proper position. A single treatment might be enough to stop your vertigo, but you may need a few sessions to fully recover. Other times, you may need vestibular rehabilitation and need to see your physical therapist a few times a week for several weeks. If your vertigo is caused by some reason other than loose crystals in your ear, then you may need more physical therapy sessions.

Improve Your Balance

In addition to decreasing your dizzy spells with physical therapy, your therapist can help improve your balance so you are less likely to fall. Balance therapy has many components such as muscle strengthening, stretching, posture improvement, balance training, and vision stability training. You may even need to learn how to work and rest ergonomically to reduce strain and stress on your neck. You'll probably be taught exercises to do at home on an ongoing basis that will help your balance so you can keep dizzy spells at bay and reduce your risk of falling.

Your doctor and physical therapist have different approaches to try for the treatment of vertigo so this condition doesn't have to control your life. It's scary and disheartening for the room to start spinning when you least expect it or to get dizzy when you stand up. Getting to the cause of the problem is an important first step, and then finding the right method of treatment helps get your normal life back.


22 October 2019