Annette Fleming

Misconceptions Worth Clearing Up Before You Visit The Dispensary

Health & Medical Blog

If cannabis has recently been legalized in your state, either medically or recreationally, you may be excited to visit a dispensary. Doing so can be a life-changing experience and a very rewarding one. However, there are some misconceptions that deserve to be cleared up before you visit. Misconception: Visiting a dispensary is shady or shameful Because marijuana has been illegal for some time, it has gained a reputation of being shady or related to crime.

30 April 2021

5 Signs That Your Child May Need A Visual Processing Exam

Health & Medical Blog

What comes into your mind whenever you think of vision? Many people think of it in terms of visual acuity. However, vision is a complex process that involves how well we can see and even visual processing. If your child cannot process visual information correctly, they have a problem and need a visual processing exam. How Do You Tell if Your Child Has a Visual Processing Disorder? Visual processing disorder (VPD) causes issues with the way a person's brain processes visual information.

6 April 2021

How Do General Surgeons Keep You Safe?

Health & Medical Blog

Every surgical procedure comes with some risks. However, you can rest assured that surgeons do everything they can to minimize these risks and keep you safe throughout the procedure. Some safety protocols and steps are unique to the procedure, but there are also some steps surgeons take during every procedure to reduce risk and ensure you're kept safe. Surgical Site Marking Have you ever heard horror stories about people having the wrong limb amputated?

4 March 2021

They're for More Than Birth Control: 4 Signs You Should Be Taking Birth Control Pills

Health & Medical Blog

If you're not worried about preventing pregnancy, you might not think you need to take birth control pills. But, that's not the case. Many women take birth control pills for issues other than the prevention of pregnancy. In fact, birth control pills provide benefits that you might not have thought about. Take a look at the information provided below. If you experience any of the issues described here, talk to your doctor about birth control pills.

27 January 2021

Why You Need A Primary Care Physician

Health & Medical Blog

If you have not been to the doctor in a while, you are not alone. Many people put off seeing a doctor, in spite of the fact that they know they should see one. The truth is that a primary care physician is a fantastic resource you should be able to count on for your healthcare needs. So, what exactly does a primary care physician do? These doctors are general doctors, the ones you see about common ailments like respiratory illness, muscle pain, and chronic health conditions.

22 December 2020

Elbow Bursitis? What You Need To Know If Your Doctor Recommends Surgery

Health & Medical Blog

Elbow bursitis can be quite painful, and it can keep you from doing both activities you love and activities you need to complete. If you have been trying to manage the condition with exercises, injections, and rest — but you're still in debilitating pain — your doctor may now be recommending surgery. Here is what you need to know about having surgery to correct elbow bursitis. The surgery will likely be performed at an orthopedic surgery center.

21 October 2020

Things To Know When You Start Considering Men's Hormone Replacement Therapy

Health & Medical Blog

For years, many women have relied on hormone replacement therapy to help ease the symptoms of menopause. Lately, however, men's hormone replacement therapy has become more common. Basically, this therapy involves men taking testosterone supplements to replace the testosterone their body makes less of as they age. If you are considering beginning men's hormone replacement therapy, there are a few basic facts to know first. It is normal and natural for men's testosterone levels to decrease with age.

21 October 2020

Warning Signs That You Might Need A Sleep Study

Health & Medical Blog

Sleep is so important. Without it, you don't have the energy to get through the day. Unfortunately, sometimes knowing you need sleep is not enough. Maybe you struggle to fall asleep, or perhaps you wake up periodically throughout the night and never quite feel rested upon waking. Most people struggle with sleep now and then when they are stressed out or sick, but sometimes, sleep problems are signs of a bigger issue that should be diagnosed via a sleep study.

18 September 2020

T-Gel Use With Pre-Existing Conditions

Health & Medical Blog

If you are a person who suffers from low testosterone levels, then you can supplement the hormone with the application of a topical ointment or low T gel. However, you may need to think carefully about your use of the prescription if you have a pre-existing condition. Keep reading to learn about a few that may affect your use of the testosterone. Diabetes  You should know that your testosterone can affect your blood sugar levels.

31 July 2020

Physical Therapy Could Be the Solution for Your Vertigo

Health & Medical Blog

Vertigo is an unpleasant condition that makes you feel like you're spinning. The sensation might be mild like dizziness or the feeling can be intense and make you feel nauseated. Vertigo could also increase your risk of falling or strike at a time when the spinning sensation and loss of balance puts you in danger. Let your doctor know when you have episodes of dizziness or vertigo so the cause can be uncovered.

22 October 2019